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IAO Member Benefits

What does the survival of your practice have to do with being a member of the Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology? Plenty.

As ophthalmologists, we often focus on the micromanagement: surgical techniques, quality patient care, recognizing referral sources, negotiating agreements, managing finances, charting, etc.—factors within our direct control and influence. And those are items we should be focused on. However, our practices are not islands unto themselves and are affected by multilayered, external frameworks, such as legal/regulatory, insurance industry and public relations, and interdependent workings with other health professionals.

That’s where the IAO comes into play.

The Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology is one of the nation's premier state academies.  It has the distinction, with only a handful of other state ophthalmological societies, of being designated a Model State Society by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The IAO is not only the  advocate in the state legislature and voice with third party payers and regulatory agencies on ophthalmic issues; it is also the ophthalmology channel of communication to the public. Members of the IAO have access to a wide variety of important information and publications to assist their practice and delivering quality care to patients. 

Membership Has Its Benefits!

It is easy to add up the savings of being a member of the IAO.

 Member Fees Annual Member Savings
  $200 Discount on Meeting Attendance
  $190 Discount for Staff Attendance
   $500 10 IAO Help Forms
 $845 Annual Dues  $890  Annual Amount Members Can Save

And those savings don’t take into account the benefits only available to members

  • Eyeball-to-Eyeball – only IAO members receive this information
  • Find An Eye MD – only IAO members are listed on the IAO website for search by potential patient 

The following is a list of additional benefits available to active members of the IAO

Educational Programs - During the Annual Meeting, the IAO sponsors a number of educational programs for members and their staff. Programs are available for ophthalmic practice administrators, office managers, insurance personnel, ophthalmic technicians, and nurses. CME credits are available for physicians, JCAHPO credits are available for ophthalmic technicians and AAPC credits are available for certified professional coders. The IAO also sponsors additional educational activities as necessary for the members and their staff.

Legislative/Regulatory Advocacy and PAC - The IAO retains a lobbyist to represent you and your practice and ensure that quality eye care, professionalism, and unrestricted access to patients are met. The IAO lobbyist monitors all legislative as well as regulatory committees effecting ophthalmology. In addition, the IAO administers the Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology Political Action Committee (PAC). The PAC collects voluntary contributions from ophthalmologists around the state and distributes them to members of the Indiana legislature and statewide officials.

OMIC Malpractice Insurance Discounts - The IAO has entered into an educational alliance with The Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC). This alliance provides the opportunity to significantly reduce medical malpractice premiums during the next several years by offering a 10 percent risk management discount to IAO members. OMIC is the largest insurer of ophthalmologists in the United States and is the only carrier dedicated specifically to the specialty.

Patient Referral – The IAO website contains a Find An Eye MD section for members of the public to locate an ophthalmologist. Only IAO member names are included on the website and referenced when members of the public inquire about finding an ophthalmologist.

Publications - The IAO offers its members up-to-date information on all activities and issues involving the IAO and the ophthalmologic profession through its fax newsletter Eyeball-to-Eyeball. Eyes on the Legislature, the IAO faxed legislative newsletter, is distributed monthly during the legislative session.

Public Relations Campaigns - The IAO promotes the profession of ophthalmology, and IAO members in particular, through attendance at numerous health fairs and exhibits and through the use of media releases.

Reimbursement Consulting and Seminars - The IAO utilizes Help Forms to assist members with third party reimbursement questions. The IAO sponsors coding seminars on Medicare, Medicaid, and practice management issues around the state for members and their staff on the latest rules and regulations. IAO members receive member-only discounted rates on all IAO sponsored meetings and seminars. Members may submit 10 Third Party Payer Assistance Help Forms per year.

Third Party Advocacy - The IAO retains a third party consultant and maintains contact with all major third party payers in the state. IAO and its members represent ophthalmology on the Medicare Clinical Advisory Committee, the Medicaid Advisory Committee, the Anthem Practicing Physician Advisory Committee, and the Medicare/Medicaid Coalitions.

Voice in the AAO - IAO members gain a collective voice in policy development and programs with the American Academy of Ophthalmology through the Council representative.

Become A Member Now

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Contributions or gifts to IAO are not tax deduct­ible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, dues payments (except for specific governmental affairs expenses) may be deductible as a professional or business expense to the extent allowable by law. 26 percent of these dues is non-deductible as it relates to a governmental affairs expense.

Address: 125 W. Market Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204 | Phone: 317-577-3062

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